A Gospel-Driven Life

“The gospel of grace, found in Christ alone, not only leads the individual into relationship with God, but it also creates a community of the redeemed; sinners who have found redemption, slaves who have found freedom. To claim Christ is to join yourself with his body and to embrace the ‘Church’ (as messy and fragile is she is). We are a mixed up motley crew of sinners and screw-ups… but we are children of the King, sons and daughters of God, co-heirs with Christ, beloved of the Father, recipients of the Spirit, and inheritors of Salvation. Brother, is more than a title. Sister, is more than a pleasantry. In Christ, we are joined with one another.”

Chris Thomas

Disciple. Father. Husband. Pastor. Writer. A beggar who received grace.


Sing Like An Angel


How the gospel transforms all of life