Galatians: Children of God
Key Text: Galatians 3:26-4:7
"Every verse of this section stretches our horizons, thrilling our hearts with all that we are through faith. Verse 26 reaches upwards—we are sons of the Creator! Verse 28 spans the globe—we are united with every other Christian, one in Christ regardless of anything the world suggests should divide us. Verse 29 looks back through history. By clothing ourselves with Christ through faith, 'you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to promise'. All that God promised Abraham, He has fulfilled and will fulfill in His Son, Jesus; and so all that God promised, we will enjoy as His adopted sons." — Tim Keller
I'm not sure there is any greater news than the Gospel of Grace that tells us we are sons of God, not slaves to performance-based religion.
Join us this week as we continue to marvel at God's grace shown to us in Jesus.