Hunter Hub

The Hunter Hub

is an initiative of the Christian Community Churches of NSW, a part of a broader strategy to help churches work side-by-side in the work of the gospel. We realise that many of our churches are scattered far and wide across our populated State, but that many of them share the joy of being near-neighbours in regional areas. The Hunter Hub exists to help the CCCNSW churches of the Hunter Valley to build tighter fellowship with each other, share resources and stories, and support the ongoing good work of the gospel in Newcastle and the surrounding areas.

Hunter Hub gatherings will occur once a Term, each time with a different host church. We invite member churches of CCCNSW to get involved; the eldership (including any paid staff), along with any other key leaders you think will benefit from the exposure of being with other leaders. Our goal is that this will be a time everyone looks forward to, will strengthen and encourage you in your ministry, and that will make much of Jesus in our midst.

For more information, contact Chris Thomas at Raymond Terrace Community Church.